Why learn kendo?
Learning kendo is great for developing physical and mental discipline. (It can also be a great deal of fun).
Who can learn kendo?
Anyone in reasonably good physical shape can learn kendo, however if you are unsure please seek medical advice.
Is there an age limit?
Anyone from 7 years old and upwards can learn kendo at the Otago Kendo Club.
Getting Started
Beginners are always welcome. Please turn up early for your first session. This will give us a chance to find out about you and also introduce ourselves to you and explain what will be happening during that training session. If you turn up after the session has started, please take a seat and take the opportunity to observe the training in progress. When a club member has a chance they will come and introduce themselves.
What to wear:
Kendo can be hard work so wear something comfortable and stretchy like trackpants and a t-shirt. Kendo is done barefoot so no special footwear is needed.